fish customer

Stepping out of your Comfort Zone to Win New Clients

I received an email from a client asking for some advice on how she can close a potential deal. I know she had done things like this quite successfully in the past; but this time she was in a bit of hesitation.

Here’s the situation. There were rumors going around that a previous contact was coming up with a big venture. She found out about some of the plan’s details; and she absolutely knows that she can contribute a lot to its development. Moreover, she wants the upcoming project badly so that she can include it as a crowning milestone on her professional portfolio. The only thing stopping her was that she hasn’t had any contact with this acquaintance for quite some time; and she was very reluctant to do so now. She was in a bit of a fuss; based on how I read her email. Sensing her hesitation, I got in touch with her through the phone;  and pleasantries aside, asked her to reminisce about the days of teenage courtship.

I asked her the question of what if she had an admirer who wanted to ask her out, but was just too shy to make a move. What would she want him do? She quickly replied, “Of course, have him call me!” To which I replied, “There you go. that’s your answer!”

Being pursued in courtship is indeed very flattering. In fact, it’s nice to know that there are people who are interested in getting to know you a little better; and there’s always that possibility of establishing a much closer relationship with an admirer. More importantly, it doesn’t really matter what you think of these admirers. Even if you’re not a bit interested, just the mere fact of them mustering enough courage to tell you that they want to ask you out deserves much respect.

The same goes for getting potential clients. If you see a venture that you want, or you know that you can contribute greatly to, don’t let the opportunity slip away. This applies, especially more, if you have a direct line of communication with the decision-maker.  Don’t hesitate to send out those letters, shoot those emails, pick-up the phone, or set-up an appointment. Who knows? You might just be the best person that he or she needs to get the job done.

So this was exactly what my client did. She picked up the phone and called up her previous business acquaintance; and went straight to the point. It was no surprise that it looks like she’s going to get the project.  She was, after all, the most qualified person to take on the job. But more importantly, it was her go-getter attitude that probably swung the odds to her favor. Her potential client was most probably impressed by the way she just called up and presented that she was interested in taking on the project. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to award a project to someone who’s not afraid to step out of his or her comfort zone to get things done?

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