
Managing Client’s Expectations 101

A client’s expectation that has gone awry may have nasty consequences that may burn huge costs and damage your reputation. You will find it helpful to consider the following outlines in managing client expectations.

1. Define the expectations

Be blunt and specific of your coverage. Exhaust all possible ways to make your points simple, clear and straightforward which makes it easy for reading and understanding.

2. Outline your boundaries

Make sure to slash off anything that states ambiguity, leaving nothing with misleading postulations. Point out your boundaries in clear cut language.

3. Don’t over promise

There’s the right time to be daring, and sometimes it is what is called for in any given situation, however, do not attempt to be so at the expense of the client. Never over promise nor exaggerate your capacity. If you accept a particular project, deliver what you have promised to deliver at all cost; otherwise, have the decency to decline or mention someone who you think could perform the job.

4. Provide samples of your deliverables

Clients are particular about results, and so they ask for some tested examples. Make sure to readily provide them your most valuable samples. If the clients are convinced of your work, everything else follows.

5. Be flexible with the clients form of communication

It will certainly help to ask your clients how would the communication flow will sound. Since the end result of your work must consistently agree with their principles and views, they will find it helpful that the communication method you use is patterned after theirs. This is your way of showing them your sincerity of helping them. However, do not go as far as providing options for the clients that are no longer amenable to you. Everything must be done with consideration.

6. Remember to touch base in writing

It is best if everything you have discussed is well-documented. It is therefore practical and helpful to send your client a brief summary of what you have verbally discussed. It shows your wisdom.

7. Be transparent

Do not project to your clients a perfect image of how you deal things. It is way better to be honest and frank of your real ability and capacity. This way, the client fully knows what he is getting.

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